Great Essay Topic Ideas for Your Literature Essays

Selecting a topic is the first really important stage to writing a Literature-style essay. However, this part can be quite difficult because there are a huge number of literature essay topics that one can use. As well as that, there are some specific points that should be borne in mind when choosing a title and topic for any essay. For instance, the writer needs to consider what research is required and they need to work out how well the topic matches their field of study.

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Below, you will find a list of helpful topics to get you thinking and to help get your literature essay started.

  • The Canterville Ghost (Oscar Wilde). This may well be one of the funniest pieces of English literature you ever read. Nonetheless and in spite of the early joviality, the story turns quite dramatically and adeptly addresses some subject matter that is particularly sensitive. Despite the considerable change in style, the story moves rapidly along with both the plot and writing style matching each other in pace. This is a masterpiece that demonstrates only too well the genius that distinguished Oscar Wilde.
  • The Old and The Sea (Ernest Hemingway). This extraordinary book will not easily be forgotten by anyone who has the opportunity to read it. The book delivers a strong message and the story is skillfully told. Anyone who chooses to read The Old and The Sea will surely be delighted they did and that they choose it as their literary essay topic.
  • I have a Dream (Martin Luther King). This powerful speech should be compulsory reading. In it, the author speaks out on a number of human rights issues and outlines his dream of equality. Just awesome!
  • Beyond Good and Evil (Nietzsche). This is ideal material for anyone looking for good literature essay topics. Any words written by this great author makes superlative reading. Beyond Good and Evil is a myriad of ideas that link together in the most unimaginable ways. Although this book was crafted over a century ago, its message still rings true in contemporary society.
  • Important 20th Century Authors. When you are tasked with writing a literature essay, draw up a list of the best authors of the twentieth century. When you’ve done that, review your list and consider why you made your particular choices.
  • Important Literature of the 21st Century. Have a look at a selection of the literature that is available today and examine the different styles of writing. Is there anything about the styles that is unique or notable? What makes a successful 21st century literary work? Do you think that today’s writers have radically changed the way stories are told?
  • Who can become a Great Writer? Can anyone learn the art or are other traits required such as creativity. Maybe diligence and application are all that are needed?
  • The e-Book Impact. This is another good option for anyone looking for contemporary literature essay topics. With so many new techniques for publishing articles and books, has literature been affected in any way, and how?
  • Evolution and the English Language. Give a little thought to the versatility of the English language and how it has evolved. Is our language developing more rapidly because of new technologies like the Internet?
  • What Effect has Technology had on the Written Word? In your opinion, are modern communication methods more effective now that people have so many new and dynamic tools to draw on? Technology applies everywhere and to everything we do, including writing!
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